Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Travel to South of Thailand
This morning, I was excite because my family to make an appointment for travel to South of Thailand that’s phuket province in period close of our exam. I since manage thing last night because I scare that this morning I will manage not to be in time. When we begin a journey for a while. We stop for take meal at restaurant. When we take a meal already we buy anything for eat during travelling because travelling a long time about eight hours. At five o’clock, we arrive phuket. I and younger brothers were excited as will play water at Phuket very well but we cannot play water at thr moment because wait next day. Our parent date their friend at Phuket for take we go to eat meal at night. We arrive restaurant for eat meal. A meal of restaurant was delicious. I take a lot of rice, crap and shrimp. I was full. When my family was full everybody, father’s friend takes our to rest at hotel near mountain. This hotel has a good view. I go to bed early for play water next day. This day, we arrive harbor for get up boat go to Island for play water. When we arrive island, I jump to sea. This here Water was pure. You can see clearly fish because water was pure. Officer warn our that does not out too far because around island always has boat to move. Time pass quickly. When we play water already, we come back to hotel for take a bath. At night we will go to shopping around Phuket. We come back to hotel for rest. Next day we come back to home. I was try and want to sleep again.

4 Things ALL Articles Must Have - Don't Forget! The importance of articles in today’s websites and internet based companies are immeasurable. They dictate a lot in the success and the drive of traffic into one’s site. It has become a key element in making a site work and earns a profit. A website operator and owner must have the good sense to include articles in his or her site that will work for them and earn them the many benefits articles can give to their site.Articles have been known to be the driving force in driving traffic to a website. Articles are a factor in giving site high rankings in search result pages. The higher a site ranks the bigger slice of the traffic flow pie he gets. With a huge number in traffic flow, there are more profits and more potential for other income generating schemes as well.But, it is not just about stuffing your site with articles; they have certain requirements as well. These requirements must be met to obtain the maximum benefits an article will provide for your site. A well written article will catch the eyes and interest of your customers and keep them coming back for more. They would also be able to recommend your site to others.Here are some tips to help you and assist you in making your articles. Below you will read about four things all articles must have to make it successful and helpful in making your site a profit earning and traffic overflowing site.
Global warming
Since remember weather in Thailand, in one year will have three seasons. In each season will have period of time to fix clearly as has one person controls it. At the present, earth up to hot. Something on this earth to change and then also each season was going to change. When rainy season arrives, some days rainy but some days rain does not rainy. When wind season arrives, has a cold only 2-3 days. When summer arrives, it was hot very well. Someone predict that if the earth was continuous hot. The ice on North of the earth maybe melt and born to flood the earth. And arrives time in there, people will die over the earth because to flood.
So all people must helps to stop global warming. That each person can help that stop to use plastic bags and other plastic, stop to destroy forest, when not use air should turn off it and open about 25-26 degrees. Our the earth has problem about global warming a long time but people begin to interest global warming 2-3 years ago because nobody does not interest about many global warming. At the present we must turn to interest global warming because it was danger to people very well.
Survey over the earth to find out that America and Japan were nation do the earth up to hottest because have a lot of factory.
Global warming was a biggest problem at the moment. The earth was hot, not up to the earth but up to people because born from people hands as selfish. Someone want personal’s benefit but see group’s benefit. If we turn to interest to stop global warming a little bit maybe do this the earth turn to origin.

Download music, movies and game for free / hot issue
The Internet is used by a lot of people to download music, movies, games and various other soft wares for free. The legality of this practise is, and will be for a long time, a hot issue. Some countries want to totally stop the downloading of copy wright protected materials, like the U.S.A. Other countries, like France, want to allow this type of downloading, but only for personal use. And there are quiet a few countries who do not care at al. The Internet has no borders, and it will be a very long time before all the counties of the world have agreed on how to legislate this music, movies and games downloading.Of course there is an etical issue.A lot of people consider the downloading, for free, of copy right protected material as theft. I have heard all the arguments by now.I did hear them in the 70’s when casette recorders became available and very popular. I heard them when CD wrighters became available and I hear them now when downloading over the Internet is becoming more and more popular.In my opinion it is theft if you copy anything and sell it.If you copy something for your own use, that is o.k. with me. I have noticed that I, and a lot of people I know as well, still buy the “real thing” if we like it ,and I allso have noticed that I am getting selective.I hardly buy anything anymore from the real top performers. I think they simply earn enough as it is.If I come along a new group I like I usally copy a few songs, and I might go out and score their CD if I really like them. I noticed that I must have been doing this for a long time.I had a look at my CD’s and saw that most of the originals were indeed the earlier work of a certain group. If I had more of them, it were usualy copies I had downloaded some how from the Internet.I know there are quit a few people who use this “selective downloading”.A friend of mine loves the music of a certain performer, but, as he told me, he refuses to pay for his records. He refuses to contribute a single penny towards the legal team that is defending this guy in a child molest case. He has downloaded the music of this performer, for free, from the Internet.But all this free downloading has a downside. A lot of people are having computer problems because they downloaded something from the Internet. The Internet is a jungle and there are a lot of predators around that are searching for their prey. Predators like spy ware and ad ware. Little programs that you sometimes download as well and that hide on your computer without you knowing it. Some can be very harmful indeed, like the so called key loggers. These programs "remember" every keystroke you make, and send this info to their "owners". This way sensitive info, like passwords or credit card numbers, can get in the hands of the wrong people.I advice every one who wants to download music, movies, games or any other program for free from the Internet to be very careful. Make sure your computer has very good spy-and ad ware protection, and when in doubt, do not download. If you are not a very experienced Internet user than the best way to download music, full length movies, games and various soft wares for free is to get a download site membership. These download sites will provide you with the right soft ware to search for, and download, all sorts of files from the Internet. They also provide a helpdesk in case you run into difficulties and need some assistance.

Freedom of speech in Thailand

Freedom of speech in Thailand had a long time but a thing for talk. A thing that will insult some people for that people to be damage. Example, speech of politician for influence to people because of choose them come to do work about politics or speech in public area for shares knowledge to people. Speaker has freedom of speech and answer the question when who interests this thing inside thing as speaker was speaking. But does to follow rules that must not insult some people because maybe was accused in insulting status. Freedom does not have to be specific for speech but born with each media because media can spread news same as speech in public area. But freedom of speech that in sometimes, must has law guarantee to control each media and another media for goes to direction too by does not obstruct to law.
The Reason that Thailand has freedom of speech. First, Thailand was democracy by has The King was the leader of nation. Control of media by law was direction too and give benefit in sometime include the speech in public area.
Freedom of speech in Thailand, has enough freedom as show comment for listener to know inside a thing as speaker knew and speaker wants listener to practices or connect intention from speaker.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The man who ever didn’t box in all his life. He was employee in ramen restaurant near Cokecen. Rulma has one colleague. She’s name is Sego. She was a pretty girl. And then Rulma to be in love her. But Sego does not interest Rulma because think that was a normal people has not special thing. One day Rulma beg Sego come back to home together, has teenage one group was gathering side footbath and then they shout to tease Sego until to be blushed. Rulma does not do something because scares that if to fight, will gets hurt. When Rulma and Sego continue to walk for a short time, one man in there runs to hit Rulma and robs Sego’s bag by Rulma can not to do that until Sego to be angry Rulma as can not to help her. When Rulma comes to arrive home, he cries and tells with own that why me can not to helps a lady as in love. Next day Rulma enters to say sorry to Sego for the night but Sego does not to say with Rulma and Sego to be angry continuous a few days. Until one day Rulma’s friend invites Rulma for goes to watch boxing on this holiday that Rulma in the first time, he would not to go because does not like boxing a little bit. But Rulma’s friend always invites, then Rulma must go. When the day of boxing come, Rulma entrances inside stadium for boxing with his friend for watches boxing. Rulma looks around boxing stadium and tells with his frind that why people has a lot. Friend of Rulma tells to Rulma that boxing sport, it to be same one type art fighting. It gives entertain and to be satisfied and can get income from this sport. When Rulma’s friend says finish, he goes to see gambler for play gamble. When two boxers box, Rulma observes that boxing it looks like to joke together more. When friend of Rulma comes back, Rulma tells to frind that does not enjoy from this sport. Rulma’s friend tells to Rulma that wait next match because it was match between boxer who has a lot of experience and champion 2 times. Some people who come to this stadium want to watch this specific match and all people interest this match a lot. When this match begin in first round, each both change punch as severe until Rulma to be frightened with fast of punch as both to emit from both make Rulma thinks boxing sport no bore continuous. And both change continue punch. Depending trickery that who has to more. Until finish the last round, committees give them to be equaled. Wait next week for next time to box. Since that make Rulma who did not interest about boxing. He uses free time from do work practices boxing at boxing camp. Though this camp will not success a lot but can make some boxer to be success already. Rulma was one person want successfully for boxing and have art of boxing to use when who want to hit him. Rulma practices with boxing camp but not tells Sego to know. One day after work finish, Rulma brings Sego to send at Sego’s home while walking has one teenage group come to they for hit they for steal bag. At the present not original Rulma but new Rulma who has trick for boxing. He can win them with his own. Sego says to admire and continues to ask that why do you punch very well. Rulma tells to Sego that since watch boxing, think that would box and then goes to practice with boxing camp. After that Sego has act to same as love Rulma. Finally, Rulma’s boxing camp gives Rulma up to box with another. That Rulma does it very well until usually can win. Time to pass, people begin to know condition of him was boxing. Make Sego says to accept girlfriend of Rulma. Later has big match discover who will be the champion. This match make Rulma to be the winner. At the present, Rulma to be the champion.

Conan (Great detective)

The boy who has a lot of ability. He’s name is Conan. He studied in high school but able to help police arrested criminal in each case as smooth and able to arrested criminal every times. One day while Conan helps police to solve important case that’s his instinct of detective plus with cleverness. He observe to see two mans in black suit behave suspiciously. This situation born at amusement park on Japan Island. When he follows two mans in black suit, he does not observe that two mans in black suit know that Conan follows them. Until arrives street area he find out that 2 mans in black suit to be lost already. But two mans in black suit don’t lost, they wait Conan to be forgetful and then when Conan turns to back because of goes to see police. He was pound by two mans in black suit with the gun and to be unconscious. Two mans in black suit to be afraid that Conan will see thing as they were doing it. They take a medicine to Conan eats by one man in black suit talk about this medicine that unconscious, he observes that his body return to child about 7 years and sound as child. Conan to be frightened and then went to see doctor. Conan esteem this doctor very well as this doctor was his father. When doctor checks Conan’s indication. Doctor tells with Conan that this medicine maybe a thing as terrorist uses to cause violence. Doctor tells with Conan that has not a medicine for this disease. But doctor will try to discover successful. Doctor tells with Conan has one way for cure that brings cure medicine comes from man in black suit. Finally, Conan able to searches it’s local and able to bring medicine comes from man in black suit already. Man in black suit was arrested by police and Conan comes black to original body become to young boy again. And processing for search source of man in black suit as earnest. Conan meets one lady. This lady alleges that she ever do work in the biggest organize of man in black suit but she was double-cross by organize. She was controlled to takes medicine return to child. She has malice with this organize and want to take revenge this organize and then she comes to meet Conan because of help Conan arrests this organize to entered prison. She plans with Conan, doctor and police for arrest leader this organize. She and Conan do something secretly entrance to inside organize and then doctor be careful door. Conan and she entrance to laboratory of organize because of search testimony give to police for arrest but at the moment has a man in black suit see them and enter to arrests she and Conan. Conan kicks a thing to man in black suit until they escape from that area. Before Conan will out from that he keeps important testimony for arresting. When out already, Conan gives important testimony to police. Finally, polices able to arrest this organize and leader of this organize already. Polices say thank to Conan but Conan tells with the police that you should say thank to her more. At the present Man in black suit Terrorist organize was arrest by police. Conan’s name has famous around the world in condition able to helps police arrests terrorist.

Son of Ogre (Hanma Baki )

This story, direct by Keisuke Itagaki. This story about the boy’s adventure in the world of fighting. He’s name is Hanma Baki.He has father same savage animal in the world because his father could win all people in the world and African elephant as biggest in Africa. Hanma Baki’s fighting since begun he born. His father teaches him to know that fighting same clever and nobody could not able to win him. Since in there, and then Hanma Baki begun to interest continuous art fighting. Though he stayed in school, he always fight with another child or people know that Hanma Baki is son father. Who to say that was strength savage animal in the world. Reputation of Hanma Baki increase too more by his father since to be away from him was child. Hanma baki has a girlfriend. She doesn’t want to give Hanma Baki to fight with another people because when he fight, Hanma Baki will hurt on body every times as has fighting to born. Finally, he discovered that if he want to be the King of fighting in there will win the strength people. That was his own father. And the story between Hanma Baki and his father to be born. Hanma Baki wanted to win his father because of own wanted to be the King of fight. That his father has a mention that who saw him will scare and running from him. Hanma Baki has not think that because he passed a lot of fighting and saw a lot of people was death. Terrible same a few people in there has not in his brain and both come to meet at underground stadium to say that a biggest in the world on Japan Island. The fighting processed too fast. One man is father and one man is son. This fate maybe the God give father and son that to say most strength and almost strength in the world come to meet. And fighting continue until Hanma Baki’s father losed because old age of own. Hanma Baki’s father gives son was the winner in this fighting. The sound around stadium each same shout that “ Hanma Baki “ “ Hanma Baki “ Hanma Baki feels to be glad as well in this fighting and he enters to see his father and to say thank very much who that to be a thing as savage in the world. And who was most strength in the world change from his father become to him. Starting from there, he does not fights already. He studied in university until finish and establish school teaches about art fighting Japanese style to someone that interest in art fighting and has art fighting keeps to use imperative situation same Hanma Baki who was coach of this school. Hanma Baki had a wife a trusted couple. Hanma Baki’s wife was his a girlfriend when both studied in high school, she takes care about money and accommodately equipment in art fighting school. His wife tells with Hanma Baki as to be glad that we can make family and do for Hanma Baki likes that together and the one reason, his wife be glad very well that Hanma Baki did not came back to fight already but comes to be coach. But who was powerful always must be powerful so that has someone want to fight with him but he tells come back to him that own wantn’t to fight with another already. When who want to fight with Hanma Baki and then he goes away from Hanma Baki. After that Hanma Baki was continuous coach until he dies.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Woman care between deliver and the back deliver

Nobody denies the advanced technologies and medical profession modern system.WhichI come to occupy social area keeps almost is finished. But remain very small channel give with health care follows way of local life see many and day by day will have a role increases with , massaging local Thai cause for treat and resuscitate. The health get into trouble a railing is attractive for follow very much such as many community hospitals and province hospital open medical profession plan Thai department. Which be popular excessive woman back care delivers to are again one story that the folk wisdom is returning to Thai social. Although womb plan ancient support will almost get difficult extremely in digital age but tend improve. When meet that the education researches the advantage of something massage bake massage with a hot compress. The back delivers to abound go up, and many hospitals originate to open the area give with lying by the fire after back childbirth deliver to increase with way lying by the fire after childbirth back restoration delivers might must begin from the understanding about story the life same between view doctor plan Thai point and the medical. Profession like model west because mother care and a child in the northeast location. Woman has in pregnant condition and very childbirth that be the crisis of the life. Permanent village midwife will perform to is both of adviser in the distance before delivers. While deliver and the back delivers call that take care follow be close but modern doctor no think such judge. That unusual from in case of be born a problem only. And contact with be related follow day appointment. Besides in now have the regulation gives all pregnant. Woman goes to deliver at the hospital or the health center only. Then don't be amazing at the statistics comes out that the childbirth and new-born. Baby care stay beneath the care of 100 government fiber plants Zen sectors local midwife. Then like to vanish from Thai social or if still exist in the somewhere touch cheap decrease a role down, which , make care mother knowledge and both of child before deliver and the back deliver that are important knowledge are fading to go to , be lucky in the somewhere. Such as Surin, Kara sin, and Sakolnakhorn. These intellect still appear parsimoniously especially. The community that is bump against the tribe differs such as, Cambodian person the free or I , etc. Even South way from the education of Ministry of Public Health by oneself , meet that a midwife who call that, a table breaks off as a result still perform. this stay calmly. But parsimonious although , -ing touch cheap reduce a role down go to very no matter. Care woman intellect between pregnant and the back deliver to get into trouble that are important. The government sector is supposed to the push and give precedence too more this much because of health care of location woman in between pregnancy can make decrease risk rate of the abnormality in the childbirth well. Such as the intellect of local physician about moving the belly up and down by using hands. Turning child over, or self regulation of a woman while , pregnancy if new wing science such as using washes and come to link up with local. Doctor medical profession local varied science will help to give the health of mother and a good child go up very much. Medical local profession gives precedence at most build wasp health back care delivers. Because if behave not good will affect the lengty builds wasp the health of person is mother from the education meets that. Herbs in health back care delivers to have the difference go to in each the area local. Physician explains for this case that because of each the area has different environment make have the environment within and body different outside thus then use different herbs loud a proverb that meat omen likes medicine omen.