Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Conan (Great detective)

The boy who has a lot of ability. He’s name is Conan. He studied in high school but able to help police arrested criminal in each case as smooth and able to arrested criminal every times. One day while Conan helps police to solve important case that’s his instinct of detective plus with cleverness. He observe to see two mans in black suit behave suspiciously. This situation born at amusement park on Japan Island. When he follows two mans in black suit, he does not observe that two mans in black suit know that Conan follows them. Until arrives street area he find out that 2 mans in black suit to be lost already. But two mans in black suit don’t lost, they wait Conan to be forgetful and then when Conan turns to back because of goes to see police. He was pound by two mans in black suit with the gun and to be unconscious. Two mans in black suit to be afraid that Conan will see thing as they were doing it. They take a medicine to Conan eats by one man in black suit talk about this medicine that unconscious, he observes that his body return to child about 7 years and sound as child. Conan to be frightened and then went to see doctor. Conan esteem this doctor very well as this doctor was his father. When doctor checks Conan’s indication. Doctor tells with Conan that this medicine maybe a thing as terrorist uses to cause violence. Doctor tells with Conan that has not a medicine for this disease. But doctor will try to discover successful. Doctor tells with Conan has one way for cure that brings cure medicine comes from man in black suit. Finally, Conan able to searches it’s local and able to bring medicine comes from man in black suit already. Man in black suit was arrested by police and Conan comes black to original body become to young boy again. And processing for search source of man in black suit as earnest. Conan meets one lady. This lady alleges that she ever do work in the biggest organize of man in black suit but she was double-cross by organize. She was controlled to takes medicine return to child. She has malice with this organize and want to take revenge this organize and then she comes to meet Conan because of help Conan arrests this organize to entered prison. She plans with Conan, doctor and police for arrest leader this organize. She and Conan do something secretly entrance to inside organize and then doctor be careful door. Conan and she entrance to laboratory of organize because of search testimony give to police for arrest but at the moment has a man in black suit see them and enter to arrests she and Conan. Conan kicks a thing to man in black suit until they escape from that area. Before Conan will out from that he keeps important testimony for arresting. When out already, Conan gives important testimony to police. Finally, polices able to arrest this organize and leader of this organize already. Polices say thank to Conan but Conan tells with the police that you should say thank to her more. At the present Man in black suit Terrorist organize was arrest by police. Conan’s name has famous around the world in condition able to helps police arrests terrorist.

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