Saturday, November 3, 2007


Last weekend

Last weekend, on Saturday, today I woke up at 6 a.m. I took a bath with my brothers. I had breakfast with fish fry and milk. When I took breakfast finish. I played games with my brothers. It was enjoy. I went to the home’s friend at 10.30 a.m. I wanted to toll with my friend about work group. When I toll about work group with my friend finish. I came back to home because I will must have lunch with family. This lunch we had lunch with beef,pork and rice. I had lunch finish at 12.45 p.m. I wanted to swim at pool with myfriend near university. My friend swam so well. We were funny together. I came back home with my friend. I invited him to my house for took a bath and play internet. We took dinner with my family. I and my friend rested at living room.About 19 p.m.,my fried came back to him home. My family went to shopping Mall because my mother must bought vetgetable and milk.And I bought snack and clothes. We came home about 22.30 p.m. I went o a bed at 12 o’clock.

When I grow up

When I grow up I will do right things so I never do. I can learn every thing very fast. When I would go any where I can go. My body begin strong. I would take every things with my hand. I must do work for future. I want to have a lot of money for do something. I will love my family more.

My sea

I saw the sea since I was born. When I was child I like to swim in the sea because my house near sea. It is beautiful sea.The Sea has fish, shell, sharmp, crab and else. I think so that we should love sea very much. Sometimes I bore I will look to sea it can help me so well. The sea stay with human along time. Some people is fisherman. They want the sea for catch food about fish,shell and else to sell. If have not sea they will can not have life to stay. The sea is more sea. In deep sea, no body can know that has it form face. The story of sea has a lot. In my life there I would down to deep sea bcause I dream since I was child.

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