Thursday, December 6, 2007

About newspapers in Thailand
Thailand, kind of newspaper has Thai-Rat, Dailynews, Matichon and etc. In my opinion, famous of newspaper in Thailand is Thai-Rat because Thai-Rat newspaper presents quickly news and correct news. Presentation by newspaper sometimes present mistake news or present excessively news because each kind of newspaper want to sell newspaper own. I think that it’s bad because people will get mistake news. And people will understand news to mistake. In the present, majority of people turn toward to read newspaper too more because newspaper gives information about political, share, sport, gossip actor, and etc. And one reason to make majority of people interest to read newspaper too more. That’s price of newspaper is cheap. Expecting in the future will have people read newspaper too more in Thailand.

Why do we need a good friend?
I think when I have a good friend. My life is a good because when I learn or I make a live I want to have friend. My friend is counselor and help me every thing. I have a good friend I can make every thing and can I learn as happy because my friend can tell me and lend a hand. Now I think a young boy I want to have a good friend. Sometimes I have problem and I don’t to dare to tell father and mother. I think some problem is young boy. I want to tell with my friend and want to my friend help me. If I don’t have a good friend I think my life is a bad because a bad friend want to sees me to do something. It’s a bad. A bad friend cannot help me but a bad friend make me is a bad boy.

What does sea has?
The sea when talk about this word. Anyone think of very big thing. Of course, it’s right. There are a lot of animal in the sea and anything. Example, shrimp, crab, shell, fish, jelly fish, coral, and etc. Maybe have anything that we don’t know it. Kind of fishes in the sea have a small carp of silver color, Anabas festudineus, Dasyatis warnak, whale, shark, the sea mullet, starfish, hippasteria spinosa, trichurus savala, suckerfish, and etc. Kind of shells in the sea have a species of mollusk, ark shell, cockle, worm shell, oyster, a gastropod with spinose shell, sea clam, tridacna squamosa, pearl oyster, couch-shell, a bivalve mollusk, a species of snail, and etc. Kind of shrimps have Seyllarus special, pickle made of vinegar and fresh prawns, a large variety of prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Peneus special, Penaeopsis ovirostris, Peneus merguiensis, and etc. Kind of crabs have spider-crab, blue crab, swiff-land crab, a kind of small stick for relay race, hermit crab, a species of small crab, field crab, a female crab full with eggs, and etc. Have any animal and a kind of animal a lot in the sea. Some animal in the sea we could see but we don’t know it’s name because nobody give name to it. And in deep-sea maybe some animal live inside but we cannot look down to deep-sea because it’s very deep.

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