Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bebefit's of exerciation
benefit from exercise have a lot because exercitiation help body to strong and to put money and effort into. As you have a time only you can to have strong body. Exercitation help turn circle of blood up to be better and help to decrease fat inside body. I am one person like to exercise. My exercitation is running and play football. But L like to play football more than running because it gets funny with friends. Anybody maybe have exercitation yo be different example; swimming , play tennis , play golf, and etc. In the past my weight is 70 kg. but at the moment my weight reduce to be 63 kg. because exercitation. I am happy because I can wear my old shirts. So everyone should exercise because of body to strong.
The fresh milk
Fresh milk has a lot of values by food because don't have compound anyone. I like to drink fresh milk more than UHT. milk because fresh milk good taste than UHT. milk. But fresh milk cannot keep in store a long times. But UHT. milk can do it. In present,fresh milk have a lot of brand example; Meigi Foremost, and etc. That brand name of milk will produce fresh milk to different because maybe fresh milk come from different general cows. But my famous fresh milk in my opinion is Meigi because it's good taste and cleaning.In the present,everyone to be mindful with drink fresk milk too more than in the past because majority of people want to increase height for smart. And a price of fresk milk is suitable for size of fresh milk.
Thai desserts and food in Thailand
On the world have many food in each country. That food of country to be different.Exampleof Thailand, majority of Thai like to eat tomyumkrung because factor of cook look from anywhere in Thailand. Example; shramp, Chilli, pepper, mushroom, ginger, and vetgetable. But have ain't tomyum krung only. There are chilli sauce, indian curry, sour soup made of tamarind paste, and noodle. So I relate I like to eat Tomyumkrung and noodle because it's good taste. In present, have a lot of noodle-shop because noodle is dilicious and easy to make. tale about Thai dessert.example; curry pot dessert, a kind of sweetmeat made from egg yoke, a species of jackfruit dehydrated banana, a kind of Thai sweetmeat of thin threads. That's some Thai dessert since have ancient. Some dessert just have when 40-50 years later. In the past, Thai dessert have particular royal palace because a normal Thai people don't know to make Thai dessert. Thai dessert I like to eat a kind of Thai sweetmeat of thin threads and curry pot dessert because it's sweet and a dilicious .But Thai dessert add a lot of sugar so don't a lot. Development of Thai dessert to be continuous and in the present have a kind of Thai dessert more than 50 type. To make Thai people have dessert to eat too more.

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